Is Mrs. Claus on the Naughty or Nice list?
See what people have to say about their experience with Mrs. Claus!

“Thank you for the experience! My girls just loved it and Mrs. Claus was exceptional :)”
— Michelle L. | Zoom Call
“I want to say what a pleasure it always is to be around and work with Mrs. Claus. She brings happiness, laughter, love for life, and a special spiritual calmness to us all here at Tile Outlet, Etc! The joy she brings to the kids during her decorating cookies with Mrs. Claus and other special appearances will always be cherished. The special memories will live forever within these kids and we are so blessed to be a part of it. (She) is one of a kind that is loved by all of us at Tile Outlet, Etc.”
— With all our Love,
Mark, Colleen, Micah, Kodie, Wes, Mia, De De, Katie, Sallie, Briana (The Tile Outlet Fans) | Event Appearance
“Thank you so much. The boys were so happy and were so excited when they were talking to their mom and dad about it. It was great, definitely filled their hearts with joy and brightened their spirits.”
— Angela R. | Zoom Call